Recognizing tomorrow’s most daunting needs today, American entrepreneur Jonathan Webb has a history of rapidly building massive climate-resilient infrastructure.
He supported the U.S. Army in developing and implementing privately financed, large-scale energy resilience projects on military installations. The office was set up inside the Department of Defense and aimed to help achieve a White House goal of ensuring the military’s hundreds of installations develop resilient on-site power generation and receive 20% of their electricity from renewable sources by 2025.
He then founded AppHarvest in his native Kentucky in the wake of the United Nations’ declaration that the world must grow 50% more food by 2050 to feed the growing population. Jonathan brought more than $1.5 billion in investment into Appalachia, quickly engineering history’s largest simultaneous build-out of indoor controlled-environment agriculture facilities, totaling nearly 8 million square feet across four facilities each developed and constructed in roughly three years in the middle of COVID.
Now, he’s focused on America's unprecedented energy demands, which are increasing due to the onshoring of domestic manufacturing, the electrification of everything, and entering the era of AI, where a single data center's electricity usage can rival what had long powered a small city.
Jonathan has succeeded in building large-scale, first-of-a-kind facilities by expanding on proven designs and collaborating with experienced industry partners. His work saw him open two of the world’s largest structures in the midst of a global pandemic that slowed supply chains to a halt.
In founding The Nuclear Company, Jonathan brings his experience in rapidly building large infrastructure projects to an industry more vital than at any point in its history. With America quickly decommissioning coal-fired power plants, nuclear power offers abundant, clean firm baseload power. The recent completion of America’s first two nuclear reactors in the past 30 years established a blueprint that can now be followed to build an entire fleet of reactors around the country. The Nuclear Company is hard at work with energy experts, construction leaders, and experienced operators to begin the next stage of the nuclear age, as the industry reclaims its legacy of monumental construction achievements across America.
Let’s build.